Psalm 23:3“He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” I threw away one of our bikes a couple days ago. Well, I put it on the street for the garbage truck along with some other junk. The bike was rusty, the tires were bald, the brakes were shot, …
Crazy Busy
Psalm 23:2“He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” Crazy busy. Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve heard it. Maybe you’ve said it. Life gets so hectic and full that it’s not just busy. It’s crazy busy. Sometimes I wonder if our “busy” is making us crazy? Serve breakfast. Get the …
The Lord is my Shepherd
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 Ever feel like you just can’t get enough? Afterall, more is better than less. Bigger is better than small. New is better than old. Or is it? You get that raise, that house, or that promotion. You achieve that goal or win that prize. …
Is there a God?
When I first sank my teeth into Chick-Fil-A chicken minis, I knew there was a God. When I first laid eyes on that cute blond from Wisconsin, I knew there was a God. And when I held my baby boy in my arms for the very first time, I knew there was a God. Maybe …
Is Christianity too narrow?
My favorite chore around the house is folding laundry. Why? Because I get to watch television while doing it. The other night I carefully folded and stacked each item of clothing. I then sat back on the couch with my feet up, enjoying a job well done. A few minutes later I notice Lyndsay channeling …