Turn on the news and you see hate.
Shootings, everywhere at an alarming rate.

Blacks, whites at odds with each other.
Who is your friend, your sister, your brother?

Seems for years this hate was under the table.
Race relations I guess wasn’t so stable.

Like a lion muzzled and kept in a cage.
This hate has matured into fits of rage.

It’s humbling even to look at my own heart.
Have I added in a way to this tearing apart?

Helpless. Powerless. I cry and I kneel.
Overwhelmed. Nervous. Where do I appeal?

Surely there’s someone who can right all the wrong.
But the problem is too deep – been going on too long.

The remedy isn’t a formula, fundraiser, or bigger wall.
It’s not less guns, more cops, or a massive recall.

These things cannot fix a soul, heart, or mind.
Deep justice requires something “one of a kind.”

You see, there was once a divide so deep and so wide.
Our sin separated us from God, no matter how hard we tried.

But no gap was too big for God to overcome.
He sent His Son to die for yes, everyone.

Blacks and whites Jesus loves us the same.
To reconcile and unify that’s why He came.

So like Jesus may we stand in the gap –
And “do good” to others all across the map.

Like Jesus may we go in truth and grace –
Leading and loving no matter the face.

Like Jesus may we be a bright light in a dark place –
May our lives draw all people – no matter the class, color, or race.

So let’s love one person at a time – we can do our part.
That brother or sister in front of us is a very good start.


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